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AI Diplomacy

Statecraft on the future of human-machine civilization
AI Diplomacy
Table of Content:
Introduction: The XXI Century and the new Diplomacy                              1
AI Diplomacy: Statecraft on the future of
human-machine civilization                                                                     2
< >Agents of AI Diplomacy4Commercial AI Diplomacy6Public AI Diplomacy6Scientific AI Diplomacy7Ethical AI Diplomacy8Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)10Political Systems Disruption14Data Governance 15Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS)15Inclusion 16Cybersecurity 16Regional AI Strategies 21International Research and Development of AI Labs Network23Forecasts project AI adding more than $15.7 trillion dollars to the world economy in this decade. The level of impact that AI is already having in the world economy is only comparable to other General Purpose Technologies (GPT) like electricity or the Internet. In this sense, in terms of strategic foreign policy, international development, and diplomacy, the global agenda shall view AI as a major agent of impact in determining the winners and losers of tomorrow.
By creating the biggest powershift in our species' history, AI will imminently be the dominant player in deciding and governing the future of human society. In fact, the shift from human intuition to data-driven algorithms threatens humanity´s capacity to control its own destiny. If world leaders do not act to ensure that autonomous AI favors human well-being, it will not take long before our own technological creation becomes the reason for our demise
For this reason, AI Diplomacy places special emphasis in ensuring international collaboration to adopt ethical and inclusive standards that seek to benefit human progress even in the scenario where AI develops into full autonomy.
Accordingly, government leaders and diplomats are the missing link to achieving equitable artificial intelligence beneficial to humankind. A scenario where developers of this technology take into account ethical standards that couner the impact of heuristic and algorithmic bias, must be led by international consensus.  
These biases threaten the foundation of free and just societies. In order to reduce the risk of algorithmic discrimination, whether it is based on race, gender, or socioeconomic status, States must agree on new policies that standardize the proper use of data.
Moreover, to ensure accountable, safe and equitable AI systems, these agreements should push for diversity, inclusion and a robust pattern discovery (data mining) for model training. In this regard, AI Diplomacy is the most effective way to ensure the widespread adoption of ethical AI models, because it scales social and technical policies that take into account the inclusion of under-represented populations.
The massive shift in power created by the age of AI will not only impact the geopolitical structure of our world, but also change power dynamics within countries. Logically, by creating a ¨winner-take-all¨ scenario, States with access to this technology gain a disproportionate amount of wealth and resources. So, in essence, Artificial Intelligence could be setting the stage for a gigantic wave of wealth inequality in our world
Therefore, countries that take the lead in the development of AI will see enormous advantages in the economy of the XXI Century. Furthermore, those who dominate the field of Artificial Intelligence will certainly gain political control over others. 
In that sense, the new discipline of AI Diplomacy is absolutely critical to understand this technology as one of the major geopolitical assets of our times. 
In point of fact, the centerpiece of AI Diplomacy is ensuring that negotiations between countries take into account the strategic importance of Artificial Intelligence as the key factor in ensuring economic development, as well as social and geopolitical stability in our world.
AI Diplomacy
As the international order has changed over the last decades, so has the practice of diplomacy and foreign affairs. Nowadays, diplomatic practitioners have a broader variety of instruments and methods that can achieve better outcomes in terms of international relations. AI Diplomacy is defined as the interplay between artificial intelligence and diplomacy, ranging from AI-driven changes in the environment where diplomacy is conducted, to emerging topics and international situations on the global agenda resulting from the applications of these Intelligent Systems. New international issues such as AI-driven inequality, privacy concerns, cybersecurity, lethal autonomous weapons systems, algorithmic bias, data governance, the AI-disruption of political systems, among others, are all urgent topics on the agenda addressed by AI Diplomacy. To that purpose, the statecraft for artificial intelligence utilizes diplomatic tools to solve the problems that emerge from the development of thinking computer systems and their applications.
Moreover, one of the principal practices of this new field is to implement international artificial intelligence initiatives that center this technology at the core of the global agenda. AI Diplomacy can also be defined as the use of AI technologies to help achieve diplomatic objectives and practice
​international relations. By solving foreign policy problems using intelligent systems, this new field of international relations connects governments, businesses, scientists, and technology to solve human problems in the age of intelligent machines.
The intersection between artificial intelligence and international relations can take many forms. From technology impacting diplomacy, to diplomacy impacting technology, AI Diplomacy is at the forefront of a new frontier in international relations by using Machine Learning for conducting and managing foreign affairs.
Agents of AI Diplomacy
Both, state agencies and nongovernmental entities can practice AI Diplomacy. Foreign Ministries, embassies, and consulates, are all fundamental pieces that will be directly working with technology companies, international development agencies, R&D laboratories, universities, startups incubators, venture capital funds, and other non-state actors such as civil society and human rights groups. Moreover, to have a proper channel for conducting AI Diplomacy, the most innovative states ought to establish AI Diplomacy Offices and an AI International Taskforce dedicated to dealing and executing global AI Policy objectives. 
Conducting AI Diplomacy in foreign affairs:
< >Ambassadors: represent state interests and influence public opinion on AI.Economic Officers: work with foreign governments to secure AI-based economic prosperity and trade feasibility. Political Officers: negotiate fair international AI practices with all levels of government officials. Development Finance Organizations: negotiate and process AI development projects. International Aid Organizations: identify and establish government grants for Sustainable AI practices.  Human Rights: guide and counsel policymakers on ethical AI deployment Corporations: develop and implement ethical AI models and systems.   Venture Capital Funds: finance ethical AI startups. Commerce Chambers: coordinate private sector cooperation for robust commercial AI ecosystems.Educational Institutions: impart pedagogic methods and practices that guide AI learning. Scientific Networks: peer-review scientific papers focused on better methods and techniques. R&D Laboratories: research and partner with developing companies to internationally collaborate on scientific discoveries. 
Commercial AI Diplomacy
New commercial relationships to propel and expand artificial intelligence ecosystems, sits at the core of this new discipline. AI Diplomacy pursues commercial activities with the goal of gaining economic stability, welfare, and competitive advantages in the new digital economy based on intelligent algorithms. For that reason, the work of diplomatic missions in support of the home country's AI sector is a fundamental part of AI Diplomacy. Promoting trade, investment, research, and the development of artificial intelligence that aims toward socially beneficial business ventures through international negotiations, sets AI Diplomacy as a new frontier of foreign affairs practices in the Age of AI.
International negotiations and agreements for AI development enables the expansion of businesses between countries and maximizes mercantile performance by structuring data rules, regulations, culture, and local practices for trading countries. Furthermore, AI Diplomats can provide business partnership search and allocation that leads to scaling, access to reliable data, and a broad network of multi-sector partnerships. 
Public AI Diplomacy
AI Diplomacy includes efforts for communicating directly with foreign publics to establish a dialogue aimed at informing and influencing the benefits and risks of artificial intelligence. This field also encourages public support in the formation and execution of artificial intelligence initiatives at international scale. It encompasses novel dimensions for conducting international relations that go beyond traditional diplomacy and foreign policy practices. For that reason, private sector interaction is crucial to fulfilling AI Diplomacy’s strategic objectives.
Given the ubiquitous nature of artificial intelligence as a general-purpose technology, AI Diplomacy deals with a wide range of nongovernmental entities that are crucial to the global AI agenda. Corporations, trade unions, regional and supranational organizations, labor unions, educational and academic institutions, ethnic groups, religious organizations, and even private individuals, are all key players in facilitating and executing the strategic implementation of AI Diplomacy and international AI policies.
Hence, conducting AI Diplomacy relies on multilateral agreements between global stakeholders that influence artificial intelligence deployment, from its development, to its broader social impact. 
Advocacy campaigns are also key to AI Diplomacy. The novel dimensions of cyberspace and social media are new frontiers of social interaction that transcends nation-states and physical borders. For that reason, the advocacy for AI Diplomacy and global AI politics should use video, film, music, social media and other forms of digital communications as strategic tools. For a large body of diverse citizens to understand the power of cognitive technologies, international agencies are integral to the broadcasting of modern diplomatic strategy.
Scientific AI Diplomacy 
The use of scientific tools to promote a global AI agenda to address common problems and build strong international partnerships is a principal activity of AI Diplomacy. Previous to the Age of AI, scientific diplomacy created historic organizations such as the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), or the International Council of Scientific Unions. Today, the advent of AI calls for new partnerships between international scientific organizations. This alliance shall focus resources and tools to further AI-driven solutions to the world´s most urgent challenges such as: poverty, climate change, and sustainable development. 
Scientific cooperation to propel human-centered AI is a useful part of AI Diplomacy. The field places special emphasis on cooperation to work on problems that scale beyond traditional boundaries and national borders. Combined efforts based on clear quantitative evidence allow scientists to
work beyond ideologies and national sentiments. Dialogue enabled by the universality of science and technology, allows diplomats and foreign affairs practitioners to defuse socially and politically conflicting situations. For that reason, AI Diplomacy assumes the premise that many of the global challenges related to health, social stability, economic growth, and environmental concerns could be tackled by the intersection of science, technology, and international relations.
Ethical AI Diplomacy
The methods and techniques for developing and deploying artificial intelligence are a major priority in the agenda of AI Diplomacy. The ethical design, application, and regulation of AI technologies are dependent upon the core values with which human beings develop cognitive technologies. To ensure that expert systems align with our values as a society, AI Diplomacy promotes international alliances and partnerships that standardize ethical practices and protocols; from the early design stage, to the scaling and deployment of AI. 
Given the fact that AI will have such a profound effect on humanity, AI Diplomacy envisions developers of this technology as representatives of the future of humankind. These individuals have an ethical responsibility to openly and transparently carry out their efforts. By working through international partnerships, AI Diplomacy builds fair and sustainable ecosystems that respond to the needs of underrepresented populations and excluded minorities. 
Furthermore, the process of including new populations and novel criteria to the AI ecosystem involves a series of dialogues and international agreements conducted by AI Diplomacy. To maintain stability and social cohesion in diverse regions and continents, AI Diplomacy places special emphasis on including the data of emerging regions in the development of machine learning systems. Therefore, AI Diplomacy propels the ethical collection, mining, and processing of data that aims to incorporate new ethnic and cultural backgrounds into the training of safer and more robust AI datasets.
International Agenda of AI Diplomacy:
The accelerating ubiquity of Artificial Intelligence within our systems makes this technology a primordial issue for international relations and diplomacy. The fact that AI is changing the world order pushes the international community to reconsider how it acts in times of rapid and exponential change. Moreover, to safeguard our fundamental rights as human beings, the international community must agree on putting AI as one of the top priorities of its agenda.
Human rights can either be threatened or protected by artificial intelligence. For example, fundamental social aspects like capital, education, and labor, are all changing in the Age of AI. Therefore, AI Diplomacy includes cognitive technologies in the global agenda to positively influence the protection of human rights. 
AI Diplomacy negotiates and mediates agreements between international agents to achieve safe and accountable artificial intelligence applications that solve humanity's biggest challenges. The ethical deployment of this technology opens a door to the field of international relations and diplomacy as main drivers of multilateral cooperation. 
On the other hand, by aligning artificial intelligence models with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG´s), AI Diplomacy provides a clear action plan to use this technology as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.
SDG´s: AI has enormous potential to solve many of the world´s biggest problems. By applying machine learning systems to each of the Sustainable Development Goals, international stakeholders now have the proper equipment to move forward the global agenda for 2030 and 2050.
No Poverty: AI is already creating an enormous amount of wealth. Trillions of dollars will be created in this decade due to artificial intelligence. Moreover, the international community can apply AI to combine satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty (Jean Et al., 2016). Furthermore, machine learning can help in
creating an intelligent system to manage social safety nets (Okewu Et al., 2019). In fact, AI can lead different alternatives to reaching remote areas that lack basic needs such as education, healthcare, and sanitation, among others.
No Hunger: Machine learning could be the basis for precision farming, which can be used to achieve higher yields on areas of equal or smaller size (Kersting, 2018). Moreover, it can also be very effective in forecasting food shortages, the front line plan to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote a sustainable agriculture (Froede, 2018). By unleashing the power of artificial intelligence in the field of agriculture, emerging regions across the world can be better equipped to supply the rising demand for food and channel better ways for its distribution.
Good Health: The complexity and rise of data in healthcare means that artificial intelligence will increasingly be applied within the field. The key categories of applications involve diagnosis and treatment recommendations, patient engagement and adherence, and administrative activities. Moreover, there is an emerging trend towards using AI and robotics to perform medical surgery. By using complex algorithms and software to emulate human cognition in the analysis of complicated medical data, AI recognizes patterns in behavior and creates its own logic (Devenport Et al., 2019). In addition, AI can also be applied for epidemic and pandemic prediction, giving first responders and active stakeholders valuable time to save lives. 
Quality Education: AI can play a vital role to democratize education and ensure a more effective service provision. Moreover, AI technologies can be applied to radically increase access to knowledge while offering unprecedented opportunities to reduce poverty and inequality. Smart machines will play an important role in delivering personalized and relevant knowledge to students, where and when needed (Froede, 2018). In fact, artificial intelligence has already revolutionized education and
tutoring. For example, currently millions of students worldwide rely on algorithms that curate their lessons, assist their learning and monitor their progress in class while training machine learning models to optimize the learning experience.  
Gender Equality: AI can expand the democratic potential for every gender to serve as a catalyst for positive empowerment. Applications to prevent domestic abuse and violence, such as digital companions that offer non-judgmental, unbiased, and safe environments to detect early signs of abuse. There is a surge of AI platforms that use online data to fight human trafficking.
Clean Water and Sanitation: AI can combine IoT devices with qualitative data to manage clean water and sanitation services. Moreover, artificial intelligence can detect dangerous bacteria and harmful particles in the water, as it can also identify contaminated sites on a map. Machine learning can provide efficient water treatment processes as well as detect problems to ensure quick and early allocation of resources. 
Renewable Energy: AI can analyze big data and provide actionable insight so companies and governments can make intelligent decisions. Currently, in the clean and renewable energy industry the primary role of artificial intelligent systems is to improve the forecasting opportunities and effectively integrate and include renewable energy into the grid. 
Decent Work and Economic Growth: Although there are growing concerns regarding job displacement possibilities due to AI, there are significant opportunities in exploring a new digital economy based on artificial intelligence. Moreover, AI will likely displace repetitive jobs that could be thought of as a waste of human potential. New industries will emerge in the Age of AI, which will possibly open an array of decent jobs enhanced and augmented by cognitive technologies. Furthermore, the General Purpose
Technology platform that is AI serves as the XXI Century´s locomotive for economic growth.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: The power of AI will impact nearly every industry. From mobility, healthcare, to finance, artificial intelligence is radically changing business models and creating new opportunities for startups all around the world. Models for inventory optimization, predictive maintenance, sensor health, energy management are already impacting the speed, accuracy, and precision, of industrial, innovative, and structural construction and scaling, and promise to continue advancing. 
Reduced Inequalities: Organizations have used Artificial intelligence in service of equal opportunity, the fight against discrimination, or to instill diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
For example, some AI models have aimed to reduce bias during recruitment. In fact, equality and equity currently inspires, “The creation of an automated administrative procedure management assistance system to improve equal access to public services, or AI-based technologies enabling to better take into account the needs of people with disabilities and improve their living conditions.” (Villani, C., 2018) 
Sustainable Cities and Communities: Energy sustainability is one of the key questions that drive the debate on cities and urban areas development. In parallel, artificial intelligence and cognitive computing have emerged as catalysts in the process aimed at designing and optimizing smart services’ supply and utilization in urban space. The latter are paramount in the domain of energy provision and consumption. (Tai Chui, K., Lytras, M.D., Visvizi, 2018). By applying machine learning systems to critical infrastructure, cities and communities can leverage better solutions that translate into the well-being of citizens.
Responsible Consumption: Artificial Intelligence has modeling capabilities that enhance the techniques for predicting and distributing value, impact, and consumption. As a matter of fact,
“The energy and resource efficient manufacture of consumption and investment products is becoming a competitive advantage and companies are increasingly interested in optimal manufacturing chain design and process operation.” Rentscha, Heinzel & Brinksmeier, 2014). By providing better predictive models for consumption patterns, artificial intelligence allows both producers and consumers to optimize resources and distribute value.
Climate Action: From climate resilient plants -through the integration of genomics, phenomics and AI- to support vector machines for estimating future climate change scenarios, AI meets a much-needed standard of scientific research and management. “Next-generation AI can change the dynamics of how experiments are planned, thus enabling better data integration, analysis, and interpretation.” (Harfouche, Jacobson, et al., 2019). By enabling predictive models that guide sustainable consumption and optimizes waste management, artificial intelligence can be a tool for mitigating CO2 emissions in industrialized societies.
Life Below Water & Life on Land: The capacity of AI in forecasting, in real time, the physical parameter values of complex and dynamic environments, is paramount to life below water, and on land. Actually, artificial intelligence models can provide a more effective means of performing predictions and analysis for aquaculture, fishing sustainability, pest control, land use, and many others. By deploying new machine learning systems into industries dedicated to caring about biospheric conditions of our planet, artificial intelligence can improve the water we drink, and the air we breathe.
Peace and Justice: Artificial Intelligence will be a global factor in determining the stability of societies across regions. To aid judicial systems in the world to have more accurate responses to legal cases, machine learning makes pleading systems that use adversarial legal augmentation to optimize justice making in societies. By expanding legal reasoning using big data analytics and prescriptive models, artificial intelligent systems can help
society overcome many of the traditional barriers in the judicial system.
Partnerships for the Goals: The principal purpose of AI Diplomacy is to establish the partnerships and agreements between international stakeholders to promote the ethical and safe deployment of artificial intelligence, seen as the most strategic technology in the world today and in the coming decades. By enabling alliances between the private, public, academic, and civil society sectors across countries and regions, AI Diplomacy leverages the power of cognitive technologies to lift economies to a new industrial revolution and ensure socioeconomic development of societies.
Moreover, although artificial intelligence can be seen as the best tool for international development and achieving global SGDs, it can also threaten the way human societies operate at broader social and institutional levels. 
Political Systems Disruption: Artificial Intelligence is already disrupting political systems and impacting elections across the world. From social media bots, massive data analysis, elections hacking, to specific citizens targeting with adverts or fake news, AI is affecting the way countries and regions across the world are doing politics. Furthermore, the rising number of fake news and deep fakes in social media threatens the base of political freedom and justice. For that reason, AI Diplomacy seeks agreements between international stakeholders to set common standards regarding protection against foreign AI-powered political interference. 
Inequality: Artificial intelligence is creating a global context of massive inequality between countries. Moreover, it is also creating inequality within countries. For that reason, AI Diplomacy pushes consensus between international actors to establish better distribution of resources and partnerships between the private and public sector to safeguard the economic security of populations left behind by AI-powered economies. Furthermore, AI Diplomacy pushes international cooperation to avoid further global inequality widened by cognitive technologies. 
Privacy Concerns: Personal privacy is deeply at risk in the Age of AI. The fact that data is the most important resource of the AI Economy means that privacy concerns are one of the top priorities of a human-centered AI agenda. For that reason, AI Diplomacy coordinates with international stakeholders, from corporations to governments; to develop safe and ethical standards that regulate the way novel and innovative AI applications use personal data. Concerns such as face recognition, state-sponsored and private-sector surveillance, and fields like medical data, are all priorities that AI Diplomacy adds to the international agenda.
Data Governance: As economic and political systems turn to data as their main operating input, regional and international stakeholders must decide the proper framework of global data flows governance. Because cyberspace keeps growing as a center of social interaction, cross border data has become the norm. For that reason, AI Diplomacy establishes and agrees on the partnerships necessary to push for the ethical and effective standardization of data collection, processing, and distribution.  
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems: The rise of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) poses one of the most urgent threats to social stability and peacekeeping in our world. In fact, the race for autonomous weapons is one of the leading theses in global catastrophic scenarios. For that reason, AI Diplomacy, seen as a new and innovative tool of peacekeeping, seeks regional and international agreements to halt the AI arms race between nations and states. By following the example of Latin America´s Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (Treaty of Tlatelolco), AI Diplomacy coordinates the global action needed to prevent an AI-driven catastrophe with autonomous weapons systems.
Inclusion: The issue of algorithmic bias and discrimination has become one of the main problems in the deployment and application of artificial
intelligent systems. If businesses and governments want to ensure that their technology is compatible with fundamental values and principles that safeguard human dignity, a process of inclusion for underrepresented populations in the development and training datasets of AI technologies must take place. For that reason, AI Diplomacy focuses on promoting international policies that include underrepresented and minority populations in cognitive technologies development, as the most effective way to tackle the issue of algorithmic bias and discrimination. AI Diplomacy also seeks to ensure the emerging economies inclusion in the AI revolution, by taking into account the unique concerns of the Global South. 
Cybersecurity: Artificial Intelligence is potentially a key factor in determining whether international communities will be more or less secure, due to the ever-growing networks and attack vectors. Moreover, cybersecurity has become one of the most prominent threats to modern infrastructure for both businesses and governments. Because of this, AI Diplomacy places special emphasis on collateral agreements between multi-stakeholder multi-national sectors, to promote safe and effective protections against cybersecurity threats to private citizens, businesses, and critical infrastructure that are fundamental to the well functioning of XXI Century societies. 
1. Identify key international agents.
2. Analyze agenda & negotiate int’l collaboration.    
3. Implement AI Diplomacy agreements.
AI for diplomacy:
Improve international relations through AI business practices and scientific collaboration.
Diplomacy for AI:
Conduct international negotiations & agreements to facilitate human-centered international AI development, deployment and collaboration
AI in diplomacy:
Inform and support foreign policy objectives using expert systems.
Executive Orders:
Executive branch issues a diplomatic mandate to all embassies, opening international dialogues and negotiating spaces to propel a common AI agenda.  
International Cooperation for Artificial Intelligence
In essence, the main goal for AI Diplomacy is to empower humanity to unleash the capabilities of artificial intelligence for the benefit of all. The international agreements toward a global agenda that uses AI for human-centered purposes are deeply tied to the shared values of progress and prosperity. Given the fact that AI leans toward autonomy, it is crucial for global decision-makers to start focusing on making sure this technology is designed with ethical standards that represent fundamental values. For that reason, conducting international relations in the Age of AI must include a new focus that centers cognitive technologies as the grand driver of international development.
AI for international development: The international AI policy objectives are based on the premise that the global economy is undergoing its greatest revolution in human history. Nowadays, nations need to leapfrog into the smart digital economy to leverage the gains for social development. Indeed, the rise of exponential technologies is structuring a new industrial economy that is radically transforming humanity’s way of life. For that reason, the global agenda for international development must include the implementation of local and regional strategies that facilitate the deployment of the infrastructure to sustain AI-driven economies of scale. To further the achievement of global SDGs, international development agencies ought to work with governments to fund scalable initiatives that lay the foundations for emerging AI ecosystems.
AI as economic aid: AI Diplomacy propels the implementation of AI development projects that are financed, depending on the project, with some given as grants, paid through low interest, concessional loans, or with built in partnerships between two or more countries. By shifting the focus toward financing development through a new industrial paradigm, international aid agencies have the opportunity to assist emerging economies in their path to socioeconomic prosperity. In addition, for regions to leapfrog to scalable AI economies, cross border access to data must be a strategic focal point for multilateral cooperation agendas. 
Embassies and Foreign Offices: AI Diplomacy puts artificial intelligence as a strategic priority for foreign policy. Given the fact that AI is already a
matter of international security, an effective way for governments to conduct AI Diplomacy is to mandate embassies and foreign offices to open dialogues and negotiations prioritizing the realization of partnerships and agreements to develop flourishing AI ecosystems that seek economic stability to ensure national interest. 
Standardization: The interdependence of the globalized world urges an ethical design to standardize the flow of data across borders. For that reason, AI Diplomacy seeks international partnerships that work together to set future standards for artificial intelligence, data, privacy, citizens’ rights, and intellectual property. The work of delegations to develop standard setting organizations, such as the World Trade Organization (WTO), is crucial to create a technological world order that is in accordance with fundamental human rights. 
GENIA: Global AI Governance 
For the international community to execute and implement the frameworks put forth by AI Diplomacy, it needs a group of organizations with the mission of pushing the AI agenda at a global scale. For that reason, a group of interdisciplinary leaders from different regions of the world have teamed to create GENIA.  
GENIA is an organization dedicated to including emerging regions in the development of artificial intelligence. By taking a technological development approach that is not limited to regulatory frameworks and public policy, GENIA connects all sectors in society to promote the global AI agenda of socioeconomic development and stronger business practices that take into account optimal ethical practices.
Its genesis comes from the launching of the first Regional AI Strategy, named Gran Estrategia Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (G.E.N.I.A), which provides the institutional basis for Latin America and other emerging regions to become leaders in the use of Artificial Intelligence. The Organization firmly believes that change must be promoted from all spheres of society, which is why its frameworks are composed of a series of initiatives that include the private sector, academia, civil society and the public sector. The implementation is aimed at creating a favorable environment for the progress of technologies and regulatory frameworks, and to promote broader inclusion in the sustainable development of artificial intelligence models.
For that reason, GENIA leads the creation of a consolidated front for the inclusion of any new market to the global AI-economies of scale. By tackling the lack of diversity in the development of expert systems and deep learning models, GENIA leads initiatives with local AI scientists and developers, to train their models with robust data that are inclusive of underrepresented populations. 
Furthermore, GENIA works directly with international development finance organizations to boost private sector capabilities, competitiveness, and collaboration, while advising public sector policies in order to solve social challenges in emerging regions through machine learning applications. By making sure there is direct cooperation between governments and the private sector at international scale, GENIA conducts AI Diplomacy by strategically including artificial intelligence in foreign relations. 
To ensure global leadership in AI, regions need infrastructure, and for AI, this means data. A strategic alliance between emerging regions such as Latin America and Africa, together with prosperous regions like Europe and North America, means that regions with billions of inhabitants could gain access to valuable data that is crucial in the Age of AI. If the proper actions with the right partnerships are undertaken, emerging regions could finally take an exponential leap to enter the paradigm of AI-economies of scale. 
Regional AI Strategies
Due to the urgency of unifying the efforts of creating concrete AI governance frameworks that benefit social and economic progress, GENIA is scaling international projects that consolidate regional capacity and potential. 
GENIA makes certain that artificial intelligence development includes underrepresented populations by deploying tailored AI regional solutions and education to create a diverse AI ecosystem.
Instead of highlighting national competences that only tackle local and narrow solutions, GENIA opens an international space for creating regional hubs.  A regional approach guarantees a collaborative R&D space that equips governing systems with AI-enabled capabilities for stronger and favorable foreign alliances.  Moreover, GENIA’s Regional AI Strategy: 1) Structures the ideal assembly to guide AI developers and international decision-makers on cognitive technologies criticality. 2) Advises policymakers on the decisions that future-proof their acts. 3) Develops inclusive, equitable and robust Machine Learning systems; 4) Applies human-centered products and services through social entrepreneurial activity.    
GENIA’s global strategy sets in motion The International Implementation of AI Governance by establishing the following framework:  
< >Data Policy: Collecting, preparing, mining, inputting & processing of AI training data on a regional scope; creating collaboration channels, data storage warehouses, as well as, research and development guidelines for proliferation; expanding a rich data-driven AI environment to effectively leapfrog regional economies into digital power hubs.  Regional Integration: Building of AI Labs to promote regional cooperation through AI Diplomacy, and establishing regional coordination to guide country-level implementation. Establishment of regional ecosystems that allows the scaling of intelligent system business models across the hemisphere.: Funding Startups, Incubators & Accelerators within the region. : Creating an International Network of Interdisciplinary Institutions for AI, establishing the first global AI Regional Research Center. Creating multidisciplinary research labs focused on solving global grand challenges & generating next-generation AI.Education and Training: Promoting research careers, computer science/engineering & digital economy job training, as well as international talent exchange. Empowering a new wave of developers, data scientists, and AI engineers, to enter the growing market of artificial intelligence. Industrial Application: Establishing national and regional AI industrial parks & promoting inclusion into AI development toward the fourth industrial revolution. Developing AI-powered tailored solutions for the different industries of the global markets, as well as, preparing urban areas for the full-scale deployment of smart systems.Ethical Regulation: Developing equality, inclusion & diversity by creating AI ethical codes. Establishing international guidelines and protocols for consensus that lead developers to framework, human- centered & unbiased models that enhance human values.
Artificial Intelligence Labs Network:
As an executive body of AI Diplomacy implementation strategies, GENIA is launching an International Network of Research and Development AI Labs to develop tailored solutions that respond to the problems of the international community in the digital era. 
The AI Labs Network comprises a multidisciplinary group of researchers and developers who carry out experimental and applied research of intelligent systems. GENIA launched LATAM’s #YoSoyFuturo Labs in an effort to include research in rational decision making, multi-agent distributed systems, machine learning, reinforcement learning, cognitive modeling, game theory, natural language processing, machine perception, health and robotics computing, among other disciplines. In addition, GENIA offers a specialized network of regional advice on critical AI applications for leaders in all sectors of the international community.
GENIA designs and applies expert systems that respond to the complexities of an interconnected society. Through the participation and collaboration of governments, international development organizations, international enterprises, and local academic institutions, GENIA puts into operation a network of artificial intelligence laboratories equipped with the appropriate resources to train, research, develop, and apply, intelligent systems at the highest levels.
The global governance of artificial intelligence ultimately depends on the way these systems are designed and executed. For AI governance, an international network for AI development serves as the ideal body to implement scalable projects at regional levels. In abiding by the best practices of ethical development, GENIA provides a framework to include developing countries and underrepresented populations into the global AI-driven economy.
On Future Generations
We are undoubtedly witnessing the most exponential evolutionary stage of our species. The true race for the supremacy of a technology that promises our kind’s transformation is effectively due to the interconnectivity of all the nations of the world, their people, and governing structures.
For centuries, humankind has dealt with international affairs. Diplomacy’s coordination has prompted and led global economies, trade, and social stability. In fact, the scientific research and engineering developments that gave rise to, and supports modern-day technologies, have always been international.
But the upsurge of machine intelligence and its undeniable influence and impact on global governance opened a Pandora’s box of historic proportions. As AI leans toward autonomy, global cooperation is urged to ensure this technology is designed with ethical standards that represent fundamental values.
The rising threats coming from artificial intelligence need to be solved by global cooperation. Similarly, machine intelligence is a fundamental piece that can be leveraged to solve global problems that threaten our way of life. 
For that reason, humanity must act decisively to coordinate a global alliance to deploy the power of artificial intelligence to solve our grand challenges. The new international system brought forth by the advent of globalization and exponential technologies must be led by a group of thoughtful multi-sector leaders that embrace global solutions for global problems.
Ultimately, it is our responsibility as global citizens to move forward an agenda that is truly responsive to our common global problems. 
It is time for leaders, scientists, corporations, governments, and the public to unite under a common global alliance.
The future is what we do right now.

AI Diplomacy

The XXI Century and the new Diplomacy 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key factor in the restructuring of the international system. In fact, the ongoing dispute between China and the United States for AI Supremacy points to the critical relevance of this technology in international relations. For that reason, a shift of perspective is imperative, if we are to act in accordance with the Age of AI.


Indeed, international relations are changing dramatically. Technology is rapidly outpacing the capacity of policymakers to close the gap between tech and policy. This creates a demand for decisive action from the international community. It is abundantly clear that in the Age of AI, it is not enough to assume a traditional stance to diplomatic relations. 


States must begin to include Artificial Intelligence as a strategic foreign policy priority, to ensure a safe path towards economic development for their people. In fact, current AI systems and machine

learning algorithms already incrementally influence our economic and political systems. AI Diplomacy as an instrument for development continues to gain greater importance. 


Forecasts project AI adding more than $15.7 trillion dollars to the world economy in this decade. The level of impact that AI is already having in the world economy is only comparable to other General Purpose Technologies (GPT) like electricity or the Internet. In this sense, in terms of strategic foreign policy, international development, and diplomacy, the global agenda shall view AI as a major agent of impact in determining the winners and losers of tomorrow.


By creating the biggest powershift in our species' history, AI will imminently be the dominant player in deciding and governing the future of human society. In fact, the shift from human intuition to data-driven algorithms threatens humanity´s capacity to control its own destiny. If world leaders do not act to ensure that autonomous AI favors human well-being, it will not take long before our own technological creation becomes the reason for our demise.


For this reason, AI Diplomacy places special emphasis in ensuring international collaboration to adopt ethical and inclusive standards that seek to benefit human progress even in the scenario where AI develops into full autonomy. 


Accordingly, government leaders and diplomats are the missing link to achieving equitable artificial intelligence beneficial to humankind. A scenario where developers of this technology take into account ethical standards that counter the impact of heuristic and algorithmic bias, must be led by international consensus.   


These biases threaten the foundation of free and just societies. In order to reduce the risk of algorithmic discrimination, whether it is based on race, gender, or socioeconomic status, States must agree on new policies that standardize the proper use of data. 


Moreover, to ensure accountable, safe and equitable AI systems, these agreements should push for diversity, inclusion and a robust pattern discovery (data mining) for model training. In this regard, AI Diplomacy is the most effective way to ensure the widespread adoption of ethical AI models, because it scales social and technical policies that take into account the inclusion of under-represented populations.


The massive shift in power created by the age of AI will not only impact the geopolitical structure of our world, but also change power dynamics within countries. Logically, by creating a ¨winner-take-all¨ scenario, States with access to this technology gain a disproportionate amount of wealth and resources. So, in essence, Artificial Intelligence could be setting the stage for a gigantic wave of wealth inequality in our world.

Therefore, countries that take the lead in the development of AI will see enormous advantages in the economy of the XXI Century. Furthermore, those who dominate the field of Artificial Intelligence will certainly gain political control over others. 


In that sense, the new discipline of AI Diplomacy is absolutely critical to understand this technology as one of the major geopolitical assets of our times. 


In point of fact, the centerpiece of AI Diplomacy is ensuring that negotiations between countries take into account the strategic importance of Artificial Intelligence as the key factor in ensuring economic development, as well as social and geopolitical stability in our world.

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